As was my intention, I have come to the UK for the summer. It is exactly what I wanted and needed. Peaceful, green, no drama.
To knit up some loose threads from last time – I didn’t put my stuff in storage, I did find wonderful housesitters, the Cuenca airport has not closed as yet and Africa is not happening, which I think is a good thing really.
There was some last minute drama before I left Cuenca again, but that’s for another day. The stress did result in a recurrence of my upper respiratory problems, which is typical, so I no longer go to get it checked out. Thankfully, it more or less resolved before I had to get on the plane, which was a big relief. I had visions of a mob of passengers demanding that I be thrown out without a parachute as I went into spasms and paroxysms of wracking coughs almost turning my body inside out. So yeah, grateful that is over, for now at least.
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